Reader sponsorship is an activity that involves much more than simply acquiring the reading technique. It is based on a personal relationship between the youngest students and the biggest ones in the school where seniors (sponsors) actively collaborate in the reading learning of the students of the first year of primary school who are assigned (godchildren). The learning climate is clearly motivating and the benefits are mutual: some improve reading, others their communication skills and all, at the same time, create bonds of friendship and commitment.
“Creativity can be learned, just as reading can be” Ken Robinson
We all have the capacity to be creativy, although many people are not aware of it. In Sant Josep Obrer we create the perfecte environment so every child can find the inspiration to develop their special talents.
This is a pedagogical and didactic project aimed at students age 3 to 12 (in two different blocks, kindergarden and primary school). Maths are taught in a useful, realistic, practical and fun way. This theory builds on the multiple intelligence approach to work on the individual’s capabilities. Cooperative work, deductive learning, handling and playing play an essential role in this method.
Sant Josep Obrer partakes in the regional government-lead programme for Environmentally-friendly school. Therefore, many contents in different areas are related to the environment. Gaining awareness of the relevance to respect nature, will allow our children to behave in a more environmentally friendly way both now and in the future, not only in the school but in the big outside world too!
A wide and systematic syllabus (from 3 to 18 y.o.) with the main goal to enhance the child’s reasoning skills based on philosophy as a key subject. This project is the perfect vehicle to meet the common demand to teach our children how to think and to prepare them be active members of our democratic society
Our language assistants at Sant Josep Obrer meet the students in very reduced groups. They have become some sort of language standard at Sant Josep Obrer since they help our children to develop their communication skills in an easy way. The fact that they are native English language speakers is an added value: they use games, tales, songs and all kinds of playful activities to involve the students, allowing them to get closer to different cultures and habits in a totally contextualised way.
Through the PBL methodology our students become protagonists of their own learning, thus developing their own autonomy, responsibility and ability to work cooperatively as a team. They investigate, experiment, plan, argue, produce and present their own projects.
Learning corners is a methodological approach that generates different spaces where our students can undertake at the same time different cognitive, handling and symbolic activities. The way to organize the class is to offer different proposals to which the children can freely or guided access and carry out activities autonomously, in cooperative work or with the adult.